Almost 83GB of data in 70GB of compressed archives, a total of 7,420 folders and 34,004 files. Documents that BlackByte sent us on Tuesday 6th June via an email which contained the URL (no longer active) to be able to download them.

This is the amount of data exfiltrated from the city’s servers still in the hands of the BlackByte group after the cyber attack of last May 21st. In the coming days we will analyze the large amount of material to understand what they really contain, even if from a first quick analysis we can already confirm that most refer to maps of the Richmond area, Augusta and building construction plans, building permits, analyzes and conditions of territorial waters, email backups, Geographic Information System (GIS) documents and much more.

We believe that in the 83GB of documents there may be further sensitive data of citizens or employees of the Municipality of Augusta.
We will update the case in the next few days