We are updating our previous article with new details about the ransomware attack carried out by the Medusa group against a hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina: the Hospital de Alta Complejidad El Cruce “Néstor Kirchner” (Hospital El Cruce).
Among the documents we were able to review, one stood out as particularly concerning: a document related to a possible case of abuse involving an adolescent. This document is an email that was later converted into a .pdf file, containing correspondence between the Legal Affairs Department of Hospital El Cruce and the Centro de Atención a la Víctima (CAV) of the Fiscalía Descentralizada in Florencio Varela.
The email indicates that the Legal Affairs office of the hospital informed the CAV about a possible case of sexual violence against an adolescent. The email, dated May 23, 2022, included medical reports attached to the patient’s medical record. The following day, the Centro de Atención a la Víctima responded to the lawyer, confirming that the report had already been forwarded to the eighth prosecutor’s office of Florencio Varela. The reply also included the case number assigned to the criminal complaint.
Below, we share the content, which has been redacted to protect the privacy of the individuals involved.
El 23/05/2022 13:33, Asuntos Judiciales escribió:
En mi carácter de apoderado del Hospital de Alta Complejidad en Red El Cruce Dr. Néstor CarlosKirchner SAMIC cito en la ciudad de Florencio Varela en calle Av. Calchaqui Nº 5401 es que cumplo enelevar los informes médicos actuados en la Historia Clínica de la paciente [REDACTED], que dancuenta de un posible abuso sexual.
Asimismo se agregan las presentaciones realizadas ante el organismo de Protección de los Derechos delas Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes competente.
Se solicita además que la Fiscalía INTERVINIENTE disponga la urgente realización de las periciasmédicas correspondientes en la adolescente.
Área de Asuntos Legales
Hospital El Cruce SAMIC
On 23/05/2022 at 13:33, Judicial Affairs wrote:
In my capacity as legal representative of the Hospital de Alta Complejidad en Red El Cruce Dr. Néstor Carlos Kirchner SAMIC, located in the city of Florencio Varela at Av. Calchaquí Nº 5401, I hereby submit the medical reports documented in the medical records of the patient [REDACTED], which indicate a possible case of sexual abuse.
Additionally, the reports filed with the competent Agency for the Protection of the Rights of Girls, Boys, and Adolescents are attached.
It is also requested that the INTERVENING Prosecutor’s Office urgently order the corresponding medical examinations of the adolescent.
Legal Affairs Department
Hospital El Cruce SAMIC
denunciasvarela [email protected] 24 de mayo de 2022, 8:51
Para: Asuntos Judiciales <[email protected]>
Nos dirigimos a Usted, a fin de hacerle saber que su denuncia ya se encuentra al día de la fecha remitida a la fiscalía N° 8 de Florencio Varela. El número de proceso penal asignado a su denuncia es: [REDACTED]
Finalmente, le informamos que para el seguimiento del trámite de su causa, deberá comunicarse con el Centro de Asistencia a la Víctima, a través de la siguiente casilla de correoe lectronico: [email protected]
Saludos cordiales
denunciasvarela [email protected]
24 May 2022, 8:51
To: Judicial Affairs [email protected]
We are writing to inform you that your report has, as of today, been forwarded to Prosecutor’s Office No. 8 of Florencio Varela. The criminal case number assigned to your report is: [REDACTED].
Finally, we would like to inform you that for updates on the progress of your case, you should contact the Victim Assistance Center via the following email address: [email protected]
Kind regards
Another Word document we were able to view concerns the “Summary of the medical history” of a patient.
Screenshot and redaction by SuspectFile.com
The third document viewed is a copy of a driver’s license that expired in 2023.
Screenshot and redaction by SuspectFile.com
As we write, the hospital’s website is still offline.
Screenshot and redaction by SuspectFile.com (credit: check-host.net)
We asked the Medusa group if they had encrypted the hospital’s data. Medusa responded that some of the data stored on the servers was encrypted, but not all of it, in order to avoid compromising the hospital’s operations.
This article will be updated as soon as further details about the case become available.